


To create happy swimming-pool-owners that will, without hesitation, recommend SWEMGAT to their colleagues, family and friends.

S - Going into business for yourself is a major life decision. The founder of Swemgat realised early in his career as Entrepreneur that, in order to succeed, you have to share. “Franchising” opposed to expansion by “company owned branches” was selected as a business model. This meant sharing Brand Identification, Methods to do Successful Business, the Delivery System and a Proven Marketing Process with Franchisees in order to serve and retain more customers.

W - We create wealth for our people and measures it beyond financial gains.

E - Entrepreneurship has gained the status of a “legitimate career path”.  In short, we think being an “entrepreneur” is an admirable career choice.

M - The ultimate reason why we are in business is to generate a money that can be distributed to teams, shareholders, suppliers, service providers and government in order to make South Africa and the world a better place.

G - Generosity is viewed as an attitude and is cultivated by us; thus giving without expecting anything in return. When we can, we offer our time, money and talents to those in need and specifically provide sponsorships to young talent.

A - We are active citizens of South Africa that believes in Jesus Christ as our saviour and provider on earth. We are however very concerned when things go wrong in our country and try to make a difference where we can.

T - We view tenacity as the most important attribute team-members should have. This is the trait of never giving up.